Privacy Policy

To fully and effectively provide services to our Customers, we offer to each of them to provide certain personal data. Optimization, analysis and processing of such data allow our company to deliver the declared services and functions of company's official site even more efficiently. This section provides the information about types of personal data we gather and the way we use them.

What information do we collect?

BitXeon LTD collects information in the form of personal data, content and volume of which helps us to improve our services in the process of cooperation and interactive communication, from language settings to more complicated functions. Sources of personal data of company's customers:

  1. Information from users

    To use many of our services, one needs to have an account on the site of our company. During registration and, consequently, while creating an account, we offer you to provide your personal data, e.g. name, e-mail address, wallet number, secret question, answer to the secret question. The system stores this information in your account and in our data bases.
  2. Information about devices

    We collect data about the devices, by means of which our customer and/or ordinary user visits our site. Such data can include the following: device model, browser type, version of the operative system and other unique identifiers.
  3. Information about location

    The company collects and processes data about your actual location when using our services with the help of our official site. We also use various other technologies to identify location, i.e. technologies helping to identify and analyse your IP-address.
  4. Cookies and similar technologies

    We use various technologies to get, analyse, process and record data about how our services are used. In particular, we can add cookies or similar technologies to your device

How do we use the data collected?

All data collected help our company to provide, support protect, develop, improve and update the services we have and to create new ones, and to ensure security of the site and our customers. For example, by knowing language preferences of our customers and users, we can quicker and more efficiently offer them the version of the site with the relevant languages. When the company needs to use the data provided by customers for the purpose, not specified in the present Privacy Policy, the company shall undertake to request prior and assured consent of a customer to such use.
